I love young talent. Any time I can use my platform to build with fresh and bold culture curators, I do. I told my dear friend, Marat Berenstein, that I was really interested in collaborating with some of his students at the Clive Davis Institute to reinvent some new songs I'd written. I wanted their insight, innovation and ideas to bring this music to life. Marat sent over one of his most talented students, Nick Brenock, and from there, the magic began. Nick is a guitarist and MD (music director). We got together in a practice room to jam and feel each other out. Straight magicianship. From there, Nick recruited backing vocalists, an amazing keyboard player and a total #girlboss bass player named Blu (she's still in high school, [!!!!!!]). We started holding rehearsals, and man oh man. These gals and guys SLAYED. New progressions, solos, and soul jammery of the most deluxe kind ensued. "Let's try this new chord change." "Try anticipating more on the beat here." "Let's do a drop and add a break here." "Should we add a 3rd harmony on this part?" The answer was "yes" to all of it. I'm so excited to get together with this group at the top of the New Year to record. I'll say it again: I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Thanks, Whitney. Truer words have never been spoken.