#BlackGirlMagic: You. Us. Now.

"Black Girl Magic is a term used to illustrate the universal awesomeness of black women. It's about celebrating anything we deem particularly dope, inspiring, or mind-blowing about ourselves."
-Julee Wilson, The Huffington Post

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Currently, messages of black female empowerment are permeating pop culture. This is evident with the emergence of #BlackGirlMagic, which has grown from a hashtag used to express the excellence and brilliance of black women, to a global movement. Leveraging that energy, this workshop unites young, black women to inspire one another, activate contextual awareness and grow in power together. This dialogue is especially necessary for those of us who are currently in or will be in predominantly white institutions - be they academic or professional. As Amandla Stenberg recently stated in an interview with CNN, "It's a really, really hard thing to be silenced, and it's deeply bruising to fight against your identity to mold yourself into shapes that you just shouldn't be in." This workshop provides a safe space for vulnerable conversations and the opportunity to learn and build - no matter where we are in our journey of greatness. It answers the question: "If we don't affirm one another - which some people clearly find problematic - then who will?" [as stated by Demetria Lucas D'Oyley of The Root].


  • Inspire ownership and sharing of authentic personal narrative
  • Activate contextual awareness through collective affirmation
  • Grow in power with tools and strategies for exercising #blackgirlmagic in everyday contexts

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  • Target age range: 14-24 (high school, college, young professional)
  • Target participant numbers: 30 minimum - 50 maximum
  • Suggested duration: 3 hours (minimum)

Note: the content of this workshop can be modified depending on need (.i.e - lengthened into a series, shortened to a seminar, etc.)

To request more information on this workshop (pricing, curriculum, etc.) , send an email with the subject line "Black Girl Magic workshop," and provide information about your organization and the young people you work with.